TruScan RM Handheld Raman Analyzer

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Thermo Scientific

Thermo Scientific’s TruScan RM handheld spectrometer represents the Raman spectrometry of the future when it comes to checking raw material identification and analyzing final products.

It is portable, light, fast, resistant to falls and water and allows quick and on-site raw materials identification, reducing sampling costs and the need to keep products in stock for later identification. Allied to its intuitive interface, the non-destructive point-and-shoot technology allows a quick check of a wide range of chemical compounds through sealed packages, minimizing the risk of contamination and exposure to chemical compounds.

TruScan RM complies with the 21 CFR standard part 11 and has software for managing and archiving all information in a single system (“Web Admin”) with free, automatic and unique access for each equipment.

Truscan RM has the possibility to add thousands of new substances / raw materials to those already existing in the Thermo library (over 4300) installed free of charge in the equipment.