Ducted Fume Hoods

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Type Project

Hoods with extraction system to the outside with the following features:

– Structure in electrolytically galvanized steel sheet with epoxy / polyester electrostatic painting;
– Upper part equipped with 2 x 18 W waterproof lighting fixture with tempered glass;
– Exhaust fan with PP turbine with three-phase or single-phase motor of 0.25 HP at 1450 R.P.M. for an extraction flow of 800 m3 / h, including a tip supported with a mesh, wall support and motor protection;
– Single-phase double schuko socket with protected socket and protective cover on the front panel in the center;
– Worktop in ceramic stoneware mosaic, with peripheral anti-spill edge in the same material;
– Water and gas taps;
– Ceramic sink for dump with 150 x 150 x 100 mm properly embedded in the top, including PP siphon;
– Vertical spout for water outlet with removable tip;
– Metal furniture rotated with 2 doors.

The hoods with extraction system to the outside are also available for customization.