NEW rapid and super rapid biological indicators

NEW rapid and super rapid biological indicators
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Similar to self-contained biological indicators, they differ because they have a fluorescent substrate that, when metabolized by microorganisms, emits fluorescence. These are tests that can be read after the sterilization process in a small bench incubator (IC10 / 20FR), with reduced incubation times (between 30 minutes and 4 hours). This reading allows to quickly find out if the sterilization process was successful (there is no fluorescence emission) or if the material is not sterilized (there is fluorescence emission). After this reading, the indicators should be placed in the incubator during traditional incubation times.

The quick biological indicators can be used in sterilization processes by: hydrogen peroxide, ethylene oxide, formaldehyde and steam. Super-fast biological indicators are available for steam sterilization processes (121-134 °C and 132-135 °C).